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Steps to Take After a Rideshare Accident

A young man in the driver's seat of a car

Begin the Claims Process

Uber and Lyft make it easy to get from place to place, but these ridesharing services can also come with risks. If you're involved in a ridesharing accident, knowing what steps to take immediately afterward can be the difference between getting compensated fairly for your injuries and not. This blog will discuss the steps after a ridesharing accident, including gathering evidence, taking witness statements, contacting an attorney, and more.

Gather As Much Evidence as Possible

After a ridesharing accident, gathering as much evidence as possible is essential. This includes taking pictures and videos of the accident, including any property and vehicle damage. If possible, also take pictures of all involved parties' license plates or insurance cards. If there were witnesses to the accident, get their contact information to get statements from them later.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

If you have car insurance, contacting your provider after a ridesharing accident is important. Depending on your policy details, your insurer can help cover part of the costs associated with the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

After a ridesharing accident, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is important. Even if you don't feel like you have been injured, some injuries may not become apparent until later. Ensure to get a thorough checkup and document all injuries or illnesses related to the accident.

Contact a Ridesharing Accident Attorney

An experienced ridesharing accident attorney can help you achieve the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries or damages. If the other party involved is at fault, they may be liable for medical expenses, lost wages, and more. A ridesharing attorney can help ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Lawyer Up With Our San Antonio Ridesharing Accident Attorneys

These are just a few necessary steps you should take after a ridesharing accident. Knowing what to do ahead of time can help ensure you get the compensation and medical care you deserve in an accident.

Injured? Lawyer up? The Law Office of George P. Escobedo & Associates, PLLC is here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Learn more about our ridesharing accident attorneys or schedule a consultation by calling (210) 807-3178 or visiting our website.

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