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What to Do After a Delivery Truck Accident

FedEx delivery truck driving down the highway

Filing Claims for Delivery Truck Accidents

The online shopping boom of the last five years has led to an increase in delivery trucks on the road for major companies like Amazon, UPS, and FedEx. Unfortunately, this also means that there is a surge in these kinds of accidents. You may already be aware of how to handle an accident with a semi-truck or normal passenger car, but there are some extra steps you may have to take if involved in an accident with a delivery truck..

Determining Liability

What sets delivery truck accidents apart from other collisions is that not only can the driver assume liability, but they also have to adhere to specific standards from their contracting company. Considering this, there may be a few different parties that can be held responsible, including:

  • Driver
  • Delivery Company
  • A third party that may be involved, like the training company, another vehicle, or the truck manufacturer.

It’s also important to note that many delivery companies (like Amazon) do not require their drivers to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL), although it is recommended. This lack of CDL requirement can highlight the lack of training that these drivers may have to operate a vehicle of that size.

Things to Remember

File a Police Report

The main steps of the process following a delivery truck accident can look very similar to that of a regular accident. You want to make sure that a police report can be filed, especially if there are injuries, property damage, or fatality. In Texas, filing a report is required for these three things .

Wait to Talk to the Insurance or Delivery Company

It’s also imperative that you refrain from speaking to the other insurance or delivery company until you have an attorney present. In most cases, dealing with insurance companies can come with a lot of red tape if involved with a delivery truck company, so you will want to make sure that you have the advice of an attorney before proceeding. They will also be able to represent your case in a courtroom, should there need to be further legal action taken.

More Questions? We Have Answers.

The team at Site:BusinessName} is dedicated to protecting the rights of motorists across Texas. We have handled dozens of cases involving trucks in the San Antonio area and will help you recover maximum compensation for your injuries. if you are a loved one has been a victim in a delivery truck accident and sustained an injury call (210) 807-3178 to schedule a consultation today.
